
sliding around like a googly monster
5:35 PM :
a friend of ours (that is, jess and myself) had a baby yesterday. it was pretty crazy, since li'l ethan wasn't due for another two weeks - at least a week, doctors had said.


and oh is he so tiny. kevin, his dad, said he weighs in at seven pounds, eleven ounces. and delivery was fine. both mother and son are healthy, and that's what is important. the nurse asked angie if it was her first baby, and she just laughed in her face. yeah, okay. with four kids waiting at home? i don't think so, scott.

work is going fine - for me, at least. i love it here and enjoy my job more and more each day. jess, on the other hand, is not quite the happy camper. not only did she start her job at less pay than she was told she would get, she is not a teacher, like she was told she would be. she is merely an aid.

yeah, i'd be pissed too.

i keep telling myself that things will shape up soon, they have to shape up soon, but she's been there for a few months now, and she's still getting the raw end. sure, she's full time now, but she's still being paid less than she should - less than she was told. the lady in charge, the frickin' director of the daycare sticks to the party line of "i don't know" and you know that's bull. i mean, she's in charge, isn't she? how would she not know how things are run, who to talk to? give me a break.

case in point: jess was told (by the director, the very same, who hired her) that she would be hired as a part-time aid (that much is true) at 8.50 an hour (that is not. more like 8.32). she was told that a full-time teacher would be quitting soon (true) and that jess, having her bachelor's in teaching, would get the job (a lie. jess got the job of a recently-quit full-time aid).

jess was also told in the beginning that she was next in line for a full-time job (thus the promise of the full-time teaching position). this turned out to be false as well, as you know, but also because there have been two more, i repeat, two more full-time teaching positions opened up and jess has gotten neither of them. she is still an aid.

so you see why i might be a little doubtful. the saddest part of all this is not so much that it is happening (since, after all, jess's first day-care job out of college got screwed over too). the sad part is that this is happening at a church.

oh, i think where no one knows us would be best.

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