
latin is hateful
12:12 PM :
hey, jerod! glad to see you're still around. as are we all, in one form or another. î

i think andrea is a lycanthrope. james is of course one of the nosferatu. ralph, i'm pretty sure, is an incubus. and we all know i'm a sexy beast.

i haven't deactivated your account on v3nt, so if you have the time and desire to do so, you're welcome to post.

interestingly enough, i have this bit o' news to share anyway, so all the better that you get to see it too. keep in mind that nothing is set in stone yet, but the way things are looking, jess and i will be moving up to the milwaukee area. jess was offered a full-time, forty hour a week job not far from my office job - which, incidentally, is not far from the place i just applied at. at any rate, if we do move up here, it will either be at the end of this year or the start of the next.

and speaking of jobs, i start the third shift at kohl's department store in racine on thursday. we'll see how my adjustment for that goes. all told, i'll be working about sixty hours a week, give or take four hours.

james: i didn't actually know that, nor did i make the connection once i saw mr. grace. but yes, i am familiar with the show, and i know who you're talking about. is sam raimi still in charge of spider-man 3? i really love how these directors say how the love the comics or games so much, and then they completely destroy the thing.

oh, and yeah, doom the movie will not have demons, nor will it have teleportation at all, but is merely a resident evil on mars. it's being directed by rob zombie. i think it's already been proven time and again that he can't make a decent (by this i mean good plot) movie.

and james? you're going to love this. i seems that uwe boll, of house of the dead and alone in the dark fame, is doing his best to get rights to a castlevania movie. so help me, if that happens, i will commit ritual suicide.

matt gave me this link. it's a series of drawings done by an artist as he succumbs to the effects of lsd. amazing.

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