
my bad
1:18 PM :
so i'm running late for class, i took somebody's parking space, i run into the classroom, and i discover: class is canceled for today. sheesh.

and now to continue, andrea and ralph:

what makes that book so special?

it's the Bible. the Word of the living God. to you it's just a book, but to me it's the Book.

now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
hebrews 11:1

recently scientists have discovered a planet that has 98% atmospheric compatibility with Earth: lets go out on a limb and say this planet supports life, how would that sway your views on the universe and man kind in general?)

it is known to my friends that i am a christian. this would bother many christians that i know; however, nowhere in the Bible does it say that earth is the only planet God created with life. it does say that Jesus was sent for the salvation of mankind alone, but that does not rule out creation of other beings.

marx said that religion is the opiat of the masses. i feel that one must look deeper into this. an opiat is something used to escape reality. i've also heard this statement as "..a crutch of the masses." a crutch, here, is basically the same thing. something to lean on for support; when i don't have the strength by myself, i use a crutch to help me. by this statement, marx is implying that people don't need a crutch. that people could go on by themselves with no help. herein lies the dilemma; looking at people over the last century (to say nothing of milennia), you can see how people fare by themselves. we have terrorism, anarchy, wars, wars, and more wars. families torn apart, movies getting worse, censorship (for at least the safety of children) getting less and less stringent, divorce rate rising, the list goes on. i don't need to give more examples, but my point is clear: on their own, people aren't improving, as sociologists insist we are and will; we are getting worse.

the Bible, aside from claiming itself to be the Word of God (which i believe), declares mankind to be born enemies of God. it says that we need God's help in overcoming our sinful flesh.

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